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3 thoughts on “hypochondria & dislike of doctors & pills”

  1. I dislike doctors myself, and all of the attendant medical ho-ha. while I have friends who think it is insane to pay for medical insurance, it really only takes one little incident to destroy a person financially.

    Take my friend X from law school. She didn’t sign up for any medical insurance (not even the student insurance, which wasn’t automatic back then but cost a few hundred $ per term), figuring she was generally healthy and never really got sick. The first week it rained, she fell on the flagstones and broke her ankle. Not just broke it, but needed surgery, followup care, a wheelchair rental (she wasn’t allowed to put any weight on it for awhile), crutches, meds. The bill came to something like $11k, and she had no way to pay it. Even though she was in law school and therefore not working, she had to credit card the whole amount, and she was still paying on it when she graduated.

    I know that anecdotal evidence isn’t statistically relevant or anything, but I know of so many stories like this that I just couldn’t imagine going without health insurance if there was any way in hell I could afford any kind of it, even just catastrophic coverage (though IMLHO the thing that kills is the prescriptions and such). I’m lucky to have decent enough coverage through school (I was surprised at how good it is, actually, and how nice the clinic here is–a far cry from when I went for my first BA).

    So i guess all of this is to say good for you! It’s a pain in the ass, but better to protect yourself than not.

    1. <nods> yes, i agree with you totally. every month of those 18 months i heard The Voice tell me i really needed to do something about my lack of insurance. i am relieved to be doing something about it, but it still makes me grumpy. being responsible is expensive 🙂

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