
sothis week, i started the new abs/hips & thighs intensive routine from the 8 Minutes in the Morning guy.

when i first looked at the book, i was a little disappointed because there wasn’t a bunch of different exercises – just 3 levels of difficulty with 4 moves each. i scoffed them.


i am here to tell you that they work.

really well.


confessions of a pj addict

hello, my name is belen, and i am a pajama addict.

it all started when i began working from home. i found great joy in waking up, putting on pajamas, and going to “work”. i enjoyed the comfort and ease. i enjoyed the inherent zen state that came with wearing pajamas to work.

but recently, my pajama consumption has gotten a little more serious. i never put on real clothes if i can help it. when i do leave the house, upon returning home, i immediately go change back into my pajamas.

recently, i have found myself shopping online, buying many pairs of simply adorable pajama bottoms. they are so colorful and soft and comfy!

my friends and family have come to accept this as a quirk of my personality, but they do still smile knowingly at each other when i disappear to slip back into my jammies. but what do i care? they are just jealous of my styling pj bottoms, my adorable bunny slippers and the fact that i *can* wear them all the time.

everyone needs a work “look” – can i help it that mine is…freshly rumpled out of bed?


this weekend, as we sat on the balcony, david sat smirking as words spilled out of my mouth that shocked even me:

“I am afraid that once we buy a house, I will feel too locked in to do the travelling I still want to do! I want to try living abroad…let’s go do that New Zealand stint we talked about – 3 or 6 months or something. We could do it after Austin – *especially* if we buy a house with lexicat! We could leave him with kitties and haul our shit into storage and just GO! I just don’t want to lose the opportunity to feel like its *doable*…”

after all my noise about wanting a house and a garden, when faced with the real prospect of losing easy mobility, i started to…panic. &ltsighs> i think the gypsy has gotten his blood mixed into mine.

i will be interested to see what comes of these feelings. i would be very very pleased if *i* was the one to instigate radical moving plans.

unseelie_sidhe, what are your thoughts on doing a short stint in new zealand? i would love to pick your brain on pros & cons and advice over the next year or so 🙂

on a different but very happy note, our local ghettowinndixie now carries CARB COUNTDOWN MILK! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! hello 3g of carbs milk 🙂

random thought

with all the guests we have had lately, i have thought alot about the bed & breakfast we run and i realized that with the new lifestyle choices i have implemented of late, i could call this a health spa/resort and charge big bucks!

– pre-breakfast resistance workout to raise metabolism
– breakfast on the french quarter balcony
– special low-carb diet selection
– tasty new recipes
– daily yoga
– warm & loving pets

of course, there is that “no room of your own and sleeping on an airmatress” thing…but we can call that some form of zen minimalistic approach to simplifying your “needs”.

hell yah! 🙂

bye-bye boobs

so this healthy thing i am doing is great.

i have more energy. i feel even more calm and centered. i know i am treating my body well.

but as i watch my little muscles grow, i watch my boobs shrink.

fucking reduced body fat.

i know they were this size once-upon-a-time in my younger years when my body fat was also very low.

but i had gotten used to them a little larger.

i *liked* them a little larger.

and now they are going away.

and the worst part is that my “womanly hips” are now larger than they used to be, so my body is no longer as balanced as it was when i was 20.


however, its a small gripe compared to the benefits. april will begin my focus on Taming The Hips to return to a more curvy form. and that too will be a Good Thing.

but in the meantime, light a candle of remembrance for my boobs.

low-carb bunnies, i just struck gold!

i saw a post recently on a forum for fake mashed potatos. since i do occassionally miss that potato-y love in meals, i was curious enough to try.

holy shit.

*cauliflower* is God.

the mashed potato recipe was super-simple – you cut up one head of cauliflower (and toss in a few garlic gloves for the garlic-goodness) – boil that for about 20 min (until its very soft). then you drain it well, and throw it in a food processor or blender with some butter, salt, pepper & jsut enough heavy whipping cream to give it the right consistancy. blend that baby and BAM! mashed potatoes. if you love the really whipped kind, it *rocks*.

i was *shocked* at how close the flavor was. david confirmed this as well. 🙂

my next experiment will be to cook it a little less, mash it a little less and see if i can get a more lump potato consistancy for a “baked potato” sort of experiment (pile it high with veggies, cheese, bacon etc 🙂

and tomorrow, i am going to make a zingy version of shepherd’s pie with leftover picadillo and some of my not-potato on top…pop it in the oven and brown it on top!

this is *so* cool 🙂

go cauliflower! (2g of carbs per 1/2 cup)

its true…

yes, its a daisy tree!

of course, the term “tree” is used lightly – its quite small…about to my shoulder. but it is tree-shaped.

in a few days when she pops a few more blossoms, i will post pics.

who knew they had daisy trees! needless to say i am thrilled and the boy thinks i am *very* silly 🙂