happy thursday!

i have new pajamas! 😀

(this is what happens when i am allowed to go, unsupervised, to target, btw)

sick – i, of course, am in a constant battle with allergies. however, with stacie’s stash of allergy drugs, my neti pot and yoga, i seem to be holding it at bay.

the boy, however, has some nasty little bug that includes a fever, face pain (ear, side of head – must be sinuses) and general Blech. its likely he will snap himself out of it, but til then, we may wind up canceling the trip to dallas and staying home for a quiet weekend of recovery. we shall see!

gimpy – i committed to the month unlimited pass at yoga yoga and holy mother of god, did i jump in with both feet. apparently, i thought it was a good idea to go from a *very* sporatic yoga practice with almost no yoga in the last 6 months to a full primary series ashtanga class – 0 to 60, anyone?

today, after ashtanga on monday, hatha on tuesday, and ashtanga light (star) yesterday and today, i am FINALLY at the point where i can move most of my body parts without whole-body pain. tomorrow will be hatha flow and i think come next week, i will be back into a happy place. right now, i’m in that lmbo of strength and endurance lagging sadly behind what my brain knows i can do. however, i already feel stronger and made it farther into the series before i felt completely wobbly and cached.

i have to admit that being in a class after more than 6 years without in-person instruction is really nice. i am thoroughly enjoying matt’s easy, straightforward style and its so nice to have someone making small corrections. i think my time here will be well-used in getting me back on the yoga wagon, and after having to carve out 2+ hours of my day to go to class, home practice will seem like a small commitment! 🙂

today in class, there was this Girl who made me totally crush. she was all the flavors of earthy, gorgeous and skilled that made me want to both lick her and someday *be* her. she as obviously well advanced in her practice and her movements were so fluid and beautiful. but what really sealed the deal of crush-dom was that the entire practice, she had this blissful, zen smile that just touched her lips, so she looked so peaceful and content and happy as she was sweating and working as hard as the rest of us. she was like the poster girl for the way i want to feel about yoga – strong, flexible, graceful, sweaty and content.

so that’s life. lots of cooking, eating, yoga, work, errands, friends and plans. i am trying to not feel overwhelmed and just enjoy being steeped in it and flowing with it.

5 thoughts on “happy thursday!”

  1. i love that girl, too. all of them!

    matt’s classes are great (and his pronuncation of palm–“poulm”). sharron and eriko, too. ashtanga is lovely.

    i also really enjoy sunday, 6:30 hatha flow at yogayoga south. it’s a great way to end an otherwise totally lazy weekend.

    sorry the allergies are getting you. 🙁

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